Thursday, December 2, 2010

Last Night

Every night, right before I go to bed, I go in and check on the duder and make sure that he's warm and breathing and just get my little fix in before I nod off.  Last night when I went in, he was super restless - tossing and turning and rolling all around.  I pulled his blanky up and stroked his head and he woke up a little and started fussing, and I know this will sound bad, but a part of me was so happy that I got to pick him up out of the crib and go sit in the glider with him for awhile.  As soon as I held him, he went back to sleep, but I sat there for probably thirty minutes, just holding him and rocking and thinking about how I used to do this in the middle of the night when he was new.  It got me thinking about how much he has grown.  I used to be able to hold his little form on one arm, tucked up against my chest and now his little baby body has transformed into a little boy body that covers half of me when he lies lengthwise against me.  It amazes me how quickly he is changing and growing and so I will shamelessly take advantage of these little moments where I just get to snuggle him.  And I won't apologize for it either ;-).


Courtney+Kevin said...

love this :)

Sarah + Ben said...

so, sooo cute. I've been up really late the past few nights and Zoe has woken up 3 nights in a row, crying b/c her paci fell out of her crib. I love getting to go in there and hug her and pull her out to rock in the rocking chair for awhile. No apologies whatsoever! They're only little once :)

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