Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another great find (In my opinion)

So I know that many of you have suffered the same pain that I have lived through for the last thirty years...headband head. It's the awful headache you get from wearing a headband that is too flipping tight and feels like your brain will soon start coming out of your ears. Well, suffer no more ladies! I was at Target recently (I know, weird right? It's not like I go to Target every other day) and I saw these new Scunci headbands on the endcap of an aisle. They look like think plastic headbands, but they're actually completely flexible headwraps. I can wear one all day with zero headband headache! Joy :-) The suffering is over!

(I'm trying really hard to find a pic of them for you all. So far I can just find a pic on the Walmart website, but you can definitely find them at your local Target.)


Britty said...

Phew...if you were going to make me go into Walmart, I might pass out. :)

I will have to try these. Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE the corkscrew Goody thingies? They are amazing! I've been telling everyone about them. And don't be surprised if they get written up on my blog, too. I LOVE sharing great things! Thanks Shi!

Sarah + Ben said...

i'm with britt, please don't make me have to go find this at walmart!!!

Shilo and Jason said...

Girls - I would NEVER make you go to Walmart! I actually didn't even like putting the link up there, but that was literally the only place I could find a picture of it! :-)

Britty - so, so, so glad you like the corkscrews! I'm obsessed!

Courtney+Kevin said...

You should seriously be a spokesperson for Goody and Scunchi. Maybe they will sponsor your blog? You could just review hair accessories.

Seriously, you should start a beauty product blog. I always take your advice.

Shilo and Jason said...

Thanks Court! :-)

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